save hanover

get involved with the hanover ltn

get involved - help to stop the ltn

The clock is ticking till the final decision on the Hanover and Tarner LTN. Get involved and help to stop an LTN that we don’t want or need.

The BHCC ETS (Environment, Transport & Sustainability) Committee are now due to meet in March 2023 to decide whether to go ahead with a revised plan. Currently we don’t even know what that plan will be.

If it’s approved by the committee, the the scheme will be installed and we will be fighting to have it removed. It will be much more difficult to have it dismantled once it’s established, so anything we can do now to stop it is important and time limited.

*Update March 23 – The LTN is no longer on the agenda for the ETSC meeting on 14th March. This does not mean the LTN has been dropped but there will be no vote on it until after the local elections in May. Labour do not support an LTN in this area.

clock ticking

What can you do?

Write to your councillors. The current Green councillors for Hanover and Tarner are:

Councillor Elaine Hills, email:

Councillor David Gibson, email:

Councillor Stephanie Powell, email:

They all support the LTN. Please write and tell them in detail what you think of it, whether you want it stopped or improved, the more detail the better. If you think we should be entitled to a Yes/No vote, mention that too. Tell them how it will affect you and your neighbours personally. You may want to tell them your voting intentions in the May ’23 local elections. Passionate is good, but please keep letters polite.

Letters to councillors tend to arrive in waves and then get forgotten about, so feel free to write more than once, especially if you’ve discovered a new aspect to the LTN that you think needs to be brought to their attention.

You can also write to council officers drafting the LTN report, their recommendations will be passed on to councillors:

Andrew Renaut, Head of Transport Srategy & Projects, email:

Ben Stride, Senior Highways Project Engineer, email:

Simon Bannister, Community Engagement Officer.

Sign this open letter to the ETSC co chairs asking a series of important and currently unanswered questions.

Write to our constituency MP, Caroline Lucas. She is usually reluctant to get involved with local authority decisions but may intervene if she realise how damaging this is going to be to the Green Party in Brighton.
You can contact her here:

Show you care & share your opinion

Put a poster in your window. This is really important, if residents realise that there is a groundswell of opinion against the LTN, they are more likely to become involved and fight to stop it themselves. There are some people who are reluctant to put up a poster because they think it might be viewed as confrontational. It really isn’t, it’s just standing up for your right be heard, even if your neighbour holds a different opinion. Don’t be shy, put that lovely poster up!

Talk to your neighbours. Lots of residents still don’t understand the extent of this scheme and are quite shocked when they realise what is going to be forced on us. Bring the LTN up in conversation and spread the word.

Let us know if you’d like some posters:


stop the ltn poster

Keep yourself informed

If you haven’t done already, join the Facebook group: ‘Stop or Improve the Hanover and Tarner LTN’, lots of detailed information and interesting opinions there, plus updates on the latest council positions.

Join a protest. We’ve currently had just one demonstration outside Elm Grove School on the 14th October. It was well attended and we will be having more. Check the Facebook page for news.

stop the ltn demo